TownGreen Programs and Services

TownGreen Programs and Services

TownGreen Climate Awareness Programs and Education

To fulfill our mission of being a catalyst for Cape Ann to be better prepared for the climate impacts to come, TownGreen offers community education programs that focus on climate awareness and action.

TownGreen programs are in person and online. In 2022, we launched a webinar series called Planning for Reality that brings together experts in climate change scenario planning, climate action in environmental justice communities, and economic development in urban coastal areas to discuss how addressing climate change today will allow for more effective and protective planning in the future.

Programs are free to the public. To date, TownGreen has reached nearly 800 people through its webinars and onsite field trips. That means that nearly 800 more people on Cape Ann are being educated on the impacts of hurricanes on our region and the threats posed by sea level rise and the need for better regional preparedness for emergencies like heat, fire, drought, more intense storms, and other impacts.

The TownGreen field trip series, conducted in partnership with local ecological experts and advisors, are widely popular, bringing local participants into the field to see climate impacts for themselves, such as beach erosion, dune damage, infrastructure problems, ecosystem degradation, and flooding due to incremental seas level rise.

TownGreen Municipal Services

TownGreen provides sustainability and climate resilience services to the three towns of Cape Ann: Manchester, Essex, and Rockport. These services are similar in scope to a part-time sustainability director’s role. TownGreen offers customized services and project management, based on an initial needs assessment, to address town sustainability issues, climate resilience efforts, community engagement and outreach, and project-related communication and coordination.

Fiscal Sponsorship

As a 501(c)(3) organization, TownGreen offers fiscal sponsorship services for local and regional projects that need a fiscal sponsor partner to receive grants and qualify for sponsorship.

TownGreen Microgrants

TownGreen quarterly microgrants provide $300 for projects that focus on climate awareness or environmental restoration. Annual deadlines are January 10, April 10, July 10, and October 10. Apply Now!

Learn More

To learn more about our programs and services, contact Maureen Aylward, Director, at

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